Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Painting with Light {Land o Lakes Photographer}

So I decided to play around with my camera tonight and my oldest daughter "happily" assisted ~ NOT! But anyway, I decided to do something a little different. With all of the Christmas lights around right now my camera was already set at a low shutter speed so I thought to go even SLOWER!! So slow that I used a flashlight to trace my daughter in complete darkness & created an image of her! How cool is that! She wasn't amused! But I was and I had fun anyway!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Playing on the playground {Land o Lakes Family Photgrapher}

My nephew received a Football Award this past weekend and I captured him playing on the swings while waiting. Noticed I didn't say "swinging"? Boys will be boys!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Amazing Blue Eyes {Land o Lakes, FL Photographer}

This little girl has the most AMAZING blue eyes I have ever seen! She was a cutie and alot of fun to shoot, she had the cutest little personality. I hope you like your pictures, they'll be sent to you shortly!
Seminole LK Shoot
Seminole LK Shoot

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lake Seminole Photoshoot { Land o Lakes, FL Photographer}

I had the chance to photograph Jamie at Lake Seminole recently. She was a natural. It made my job so much easier! Isn't she a beautiful girl? Thanks Jamie for giving me the chance to photograph you and your prints will be sent to you shortly!
Seminole LK Shoot">

Seminole LK Shoot