Monday, May 24, 2010

Land o Lakes Senior Photo {Land o Lakes, Senior Photographer}

Isn't this girl STUNNING!!?? She has the best hair. It is not fair to have hair this pretty. And to top it off, it was so hot  and we were all sweating and her hair still looked great! Really?
I really think Seniors are so much easier than toddlers. They love to change outfits and know how to "work it" for the camera. It was alot of fun!
Thanks "T" for allowing me to take your photos!  Here is a sneak peek that I promised you...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day {Land o Lakes,FL Family Photographer}

It was a day of swimming!
We didn't make it on the boat like we were suppose to. So instead my side of the family headed to my sister's house for some swim time in the pool. P is getting braver & braver, not sure if that is good or bad? She made a delicious salad, my parents brought some shrimp. It was very yummy!
Then we headed to Scott's Parent's and went to eat at a restaurant on the beach, then walked over to the beach. They dug a huge hole for P to sit it. She loved it. Jes of course sun bathed! I was able to catch a few pics of her as well.
All in all, it was a good day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dunk Tank {Land o Lakes, Photographer}

Scott's work got a Dunk Tank as a little fun way to celebrate Siete de Mayo (They couldn't do it on Cinco, so they did it on Siete).  If you wanted to throw the balls at someone, you had to buy tickets, 3 balls for a $1. And when a person really wanted to dunk someone, they went all out & bought SEVERAL tickets just to make sure that person got wet! Scott got dunked alot, what does that mean??

They allowed Payton to dunk him first. She even tried to get the bulleye with a pink softball, but of course she missed. So instead, she just pushed the button. She walked away SO HAPPY! It was cute!

Beautiful Morning {Land o Lakes, FL Photographer}

I let the dog out the backdoor this morning and saw this. I love waking up to Hot Air Balloons in the sky. I quickly grabbed my camera hoping it would fly toward us, but it didn't. But it was still nice to see it in the distance. It was a beautiful morning!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dylan's 12th Birthday {Land o Lakes, FL Event Photographer}

Over the weekend Dyland turned 12!! A PRETEEN! I can't believe how fast he has grown. He was very excited to get a Ripstick and to have his friends over. His mom got him a snwcone machine and a HUGE bounce house for the front yard. The pool was heated so the kids swam for hours! They had a blast!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYLAN!