Monday, November 22, 2010

i Heart Faces Weekly Challenge - PAPER

This week's challenge at is Paper. So I instantly thought of when Payton was making a paper machete from a balloon. We were trying to create a Pumpkin Bowl for Halloween.  It was so messy she didn't want to wear her clothes. She was so into creating her craft that I couldn't get one smile from her. I think she liked it!

See more entries over at iheart...

Monday, November 8, 2010

iHeartFaces Weekly Challenge "Orange"

My entry for this week at is of Payton when she was 1. Yes I have Mommy goggles on, but I think this picture is too cute of her. She always took her juice with her and still does. The only thing missing is her blankie!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had fun this Halloween. Payton is at that perfect age where she can enjoy it. She wasn't scared the entire night until she met up with the neighborhood witches and her own MomMom scared her with a BOO! She jumped out of my arms and said "I'm done, I wanna get out of here" Poor thing!

We went with the usual neighborhood gang. My cousin Linda and her granddaughter came down from up north and walked a little with us. It was nice to see them. Of course we did end up with too much candy. Most of the good chocolate went into the freezer. But what does everyone else do with all their candy?

Here are a few pics of the night...