Monday, June 28, 2010

iHeartFaces "PETS" Photo Challenge

his one is going to be hard for me, and this theme is at such a right time...

Yesterday I had to put my best friend "Shadow" to sleep. This coming Friday he would've turned 13. The past few months were hard on him. He had his tail amputated just 2 months ago from cancer. He did great! Then last friday evening he developed a blood clot that went to his spine and paralized he back end. All he could do was drag himself. But the entire time he just purred so loudly. He was a trooper.

 I brought him home saturday to spend some time with him and hoping the clot would pass. But it didn't.
So as my first morning without him, I am writing this post, missing him telling me his food bowl is empty or wanting to go on the back porch to watch the moring sunrise (and to tourment the squrriel) or him tapping me with his paw for me to pet him, I am entering his picture. Now granted, this isn't the best one of him, but he was healthy, happy to be outside and "My Shadow"

I LOVE and MISS you so much buddy!!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Sisters {Land o Lakes Children Photographer}

I had the pleasure of photographing these 2 cute little sisters. They both were so sweet and they had the prettiest blue eyes!

{i HEART faces weekly challenge / Celebrating Teens}

This is my entry for the "Celebrating Teens" Challenge this week at iheartfaces (
I have never entered a photo before. But since it's for teens, I couldn't resist since my oldest daughter just turned 17. I found that photographing teens is ALOT of fun!! They LOVE to dress up and are so goofy. And they really know how to work the camera. They are so much easier than toddlers!!
To see other entries for this contest, please click the iheart logo.
To see other images from this session please visit my blog...

Monday, June 14, 2010

A very ADORABLE giveaway!!

I just heard of this company. They have such sweet items for infants. Check it out...

Adorable giveaway from Modern Nesting at

(I have my fingers crossed on the little Chestnut hat, SUPER CUTE isn't it???)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Day at the YMCA Waterpark

We were invited to go to the Y with some friends. Pay had a BLAST!! She even went down the waterslide alone, several times. Wasn't scared at all about getting water in her face. She was having so much fun, she did NOT want to go home...

Mermaid Heaven

We went to a Seal Swim School for a pool party. It was SUPER HOT! But we were able to get P's face painted. She wanted a Mermaid painted on her face. I'm sl glad the lady knew how to do it. Then on the way outside we were able to get her picture taken with a live mermaid.

2011 Senior "J"

"J" is finally going to be a senior. Can't believe how time flies. It seems like just the other day she was starting kindergarten. She's has grown to be such a beautiful girl, inside and out...


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A day with "S"

So "S" came along with the girls for their photoshoot. Naturally, I had to shoot him too!  I do have to admit, he is a character. He has a great personality and even though he was nervous  in front of the camera, you can't tell by his images. Here's a little peek...

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to take your photos!