Friday, August 27, 2010

Fix It Friday #68

I am a big fan of iHeartFaces. Every Friday, they post a picture to fix. It gives everyone a chance to add their own personal edits. I always 'heart" looking at all of the other photos but I've never had the courage to add mine. It's amazing how just 1 picture can look so different.
Well as of today, I will be playing along every Friday. It's fun! And you can follow along too. Just visit ...

This photo was taken by Angie Arthur, not me. I am just editing it my way. Here is the before and after...

Here's what I did...
~Straighted the photo
~MCP's Bag of Tricks - Midtone Lifter, Fake Blue Sky actions
~Whitened the eyes
~Adjusted the levels, burned in a few spots
~Took out some red

So how did I do on my first try???

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