Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 Gasparilla

Last weekend was cold, very cold. But we decided to go to the Gasparilla parade anyway. And I am glad we did. We got their early enough to find a great spot close to the fence. This was Payton's first time begging for beads. She was very shy waving to the people but when she got those beads and a felt flower, she was getting the hang of begging!
She was having so much fun that she wore herself out and fell asleep in the stroller while watching the parade. By then, we couldn't handle to cold any longer. We never did stay for the fireworks, but we were happy we got about 50 pounds of beads. Now, what does one do with all these beads???? Anybody want some?

                                         Trying to yell to the camera guy (aka Scott)  BEADS!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Her First Dance Class

Payton was very excited to start her new dance class. She kept reminding me that it was NOT like gymnastics. She did that for a year and well, let's just say, she had enough of that!

We spent most of the day looking for tap shoes, ballet shoes and a new dance suit. She just couldn't wait until it was her time for class. Once there, to my surprise, she wasn't acting shy at all. She went right into her class & started doing what all the other girls were doing. She's a natural and was super cute!

After class I asked if she liked it, "Um huh I want to do it again!" I am so glad because she cost me a furtune today!!

Innocent Wonder

Here is my entry on the iheartfaces weekly challenge. It's of Payton & Savannah at the Florida Aquarium looking at the Starfish.  They were also able to touch it to see how bumpy it feels.

This is definately how I see the Innocent Wonder...

To see other entries or to enter your own, please visit

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday Stroll Through Busch Gardens

We went to Busch Gardens again yesterday. I wanted to take a few pictures of the elephants for a photo group I am in. I needed to find something "gray", so I thought of the elephants. We then spent the rest of the day walking around, riding rides and taking lots of pictures.

                       Payton loved riding the motorcycles... over and over and over again!

Scott took Payton behind the glass wall for the Congo River Rapids and waited for the large "Wave".
I was shocked that she didn't freak out when the water hit the wall. She actually thought it was fun.

On the way out, Payton saw a peacock she could chase. Besides her starting to get sick, we had a good family day.  

Payton's Love Note

Payton usually goes to school on Fridays but she hasn't gone since the beginning of December. So, when she went last Friday I thought I'd give her a little note with her lunch to let her know I was thinking of her. In fact, I just ripped a little piece of a note pad and wrote on it, then tucked it into her container. Nothing fancy.
When I picked her up, the kids were having a fruit party. Payton was sitting at her table eating so I went into her class to get her things. When I returned, she asked if I got her pink paper. Not knowing what she was talking about, the teacher got it for me. It was next to her mat where she was taking her nap earlier. Her teacher said that she has carried that "Love Note" everywhere with her since lunch. She even slept with it nestled up to her cheek. How cute, right?
When we got to the car, that was all she talked about. That little "love Note" . It really made her day, and mine.