Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 Gasparilla

Last weekend was cold, very cold. But we decided to go to the Gasparilla parade anyway. And I am glad we did. We got their early enough to find a great spot close to the fence. This was Payton's first time begging for beads. She was very shy waving to the people but when she got those beads and a felt flower, she was getting the hang of begging!
She was having so much fun that she wore herself out and fell asleep in the stroller while watching the parade. By then, we couldn't handle to cold any longer. We never did stay for the fireworks, but we were happy we got about 50 pounds of beads. Now, what does one do with all these beads???? Anybody want some?

                                         Trying to yell to the camera guy (aka Scott)  BEADS!!

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